Aqua ARM Case Study

Inventions, literary works, music, and design are all intangible assets. The legal right to these ‘creations of the mind’ is Intellectual Property (IP).
Maggie Strickland / Group Chief Information – Aqua Group

ARM Holdings is the world’s leading semiconductor Intellectual Property (IP) supplier. A semiconductor is the electronic controller at the heart of many devices we use daily, such as smartphones, tablets, digital televisions, and washing machines.

Tags: basic


  1. Communication Challenges:
    The communication between machines of different kinds sometimes causes troubles and inaccurate signal decoding results.
  2. Technological Advancements:
    Advancements in technology, including machine-to-machine communications between smart sensors—referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT). For example, appliances in the home can be monitored and controlled wirelessly by the homeowner, wherever they are.
  3. Unstable Market for Servers and Networking Equipment:
    The potential market for servers and networking equipment development is unstable and continues to shrink annually.
  4. Demand for Energy-Efficient Technology:
    The market demands high-performance products that utilize low-power technology.

Our Solution

  • Market Development:
    ARM focuses on increasing its market share in new areas, such as servers and networking equipment. Its technology offers low-power options to transport, distribute, analyze, and store data across the internet.
  • Energy Efficiency:
    ARM’s innovative technology addresses the demand for energy-efficient products, ensuring high performance with reduced power consumption.

Case Study
This case study demonstrates how ARM’s strategies contribute to its business vision, aims, and objectives through an integrated approach focusing on:

  • Innovation
  • Its People
  • A Network of Partners


  • ARM has an innovative business model.
  • ARM does not manufacture the products in which its technology is used.